Gamle Norge, pen on paper, A1, 2024

Tue. 14. May 2024
This Drawing will soon be sent to print in the size of a1, like the original. It was inspired by the a sensation I’ve been carrying around for a while; that the appreciation of fleeting moments and simple observation is fading away. It appears to me that our preferences within visual stimulation is gradually morphing and adapting to the influences of our screens. Not only does it impact how art is viewed through a lack of patience and superficial impressions, but also how we place value on an experience. Seeing the Eiffel tower is easy to explain and share, but the mood of a “normal” moment is personal and often not easily commercialized.

I am finding  myself being attracted to the past and the idea that there was no other way to appreciate situations but being present and observant. No integrated sense of having to capture and share it to fully appreciate what you witnessed. The motifs are scenarios I imagined unfolding natually, without any spectators present. They are simply natural moments that organically and honestly appear and disappear. There is a strong sense of belonging in the idea of a world of experiences rather than imagined values -- and this drawing is meant to be viewed with presence and observation. 

If you are interested in buying a print, please write me so I can adjust the amount I make.
